Friday, 9 May 2014

Pollscape Lexicon

The high decibel nine-phase General elections is finally drawing to a close and over the period many political leaders and activists through their foot in mouth antics have enriched the political lexicon. In addition, the lengthening shadow of social media over our lives and the political hashtag jousts have only added another dimension to it.

ABCD: The baby steps taken by children as a prelude to rote learning is not all that simple and bland. In adept hands it could be loaded with vitriol.

Chanta lagaa..: In our notoriously unsafe-for-women public spaces some high-profile women Lok Sabha candidates had to sometimes take matters in their hands to avoid getting groped.

Empowerment: Though this ennobling term was used by Rahul Gandhi as a substitute for loss of words, the fact remains our society actually needs large doses of it.

Honeymoon: Coming from the mouth of a professed brahmachari and yoga guru who makes his followers rub nails to kill time and reduce anxiety over hair loss, it had a ugly fallout of rubbing the Dalit community wrong way.

RSVP: You might have heard about the term, but never bothered to know what it stood for, barring those who had French as their second language in college. But now this four-letter acronym is drawing acrimonious responses.

Selfie: This platform for narcissism was put to use by all and sundry to brag their 'inked' fingers. Suddenly it became cool to vote, whatever it takes. Wonder whether the citizenry will show the same zeal in acting against trespasses of elected representatives and incumbent government.

Slapgate: When any aam aadmi decides to have a go at the political leaders, especially those who had shunned SPG/NSG paraphernalia.

Wave: At present the definition is as varied as breakers on any sea coast and dependent on his or her political conviction. But May 16 will choose only one of them.

Also Read: Bangalore Beat

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