Computers as seen through the eyes of a person who has been using it for long but is still no way savvy enough.
Control Z: A big time life saver for all and sundry, especially the technologically challenged. Wish there was such an option in real life too - it would have meant fewer regrets and guilt trips.
Backspace: A reliable companion for two finger typists (and that includes around 98% of netizens) and those afflicted by a disease called writer's block. In many computers and laptops this is probably the first key that goes kaput due to overuse.
Pause break: A key seen next to 'number lock' in most computers. Till this day I have never used the key nor I am able to figure out what it is all about.
Control c+ Control v: For plagiarists it is as significant an invention as the wheel was to scientific community. But this function is useful for others in copying lengthy quotes or sending interesting url links to friends.
Notepad: The purgatory where all that remains is pure words and numbers, all commands or hyperlinks attached to it disappear. Wish it had a spell check option.
MS Word: A god-send for those with handwriting styles ranging from chicken-scratch to hieroglyphics (that covers more than 90% of literate population). Also a boon for those who care about correct spellings (a dwindling breed under the corrosive influence of SMS lingo). The sheer convenience it offers in preparing and sending documents has made many forget what post office was all about.
MS Excel: Those rectangular cells do seem quite intimidating. However a little knowledge will make you realise the wonders it can accomplish in computing. But still I am not so comfortable about using it. Did some computing of monthly expenses, but the exercise was short lived as it was just part of my New Year resolution.
Also Read: Bangalore Beat
Control Z: A big time life saver for all and sundry, especially the technologically challenged. Wish there was such an option in real life too - it would have meant fewer regrets and guilt trips.
Backspace: A reliable companion for two finger typists (and that includes around 98% of netizens) and those afflicted by a disease called writer's block. In many computers and laptops this is probably the first key that goes kaput due to overuse.
Pause break: A key seen next to 'number lock' in most computers. Till this day I have never used the key nor I am able to figure out what it is all about.
Control c+ Control v: For plagiarists it is as significant an invention as the wheel was to scientific community. But this function is useful for others in copying lengthy quotes or sending interesting url links to friends.
Notepad: The purgatory where all that remains is pure words and numbers, all commands or hyperlinks attached to it disappear. Wish it had a spell check option.
MS Word: A god-send for those with handwriting styles ranging from chicken-scratch to hieroglyphics (that covers more than 90% of literate population). Also a boon for those who care about correct spellings (a dwindling breed under the corrosive influence of SMS lingo). The sheer convenience it offers in preparing and sending documents has made many forget what post office was all about.
MS Excel: Those rectangular cells do seem quite intimidating. However a little knowledge will make you realise the wonders it can accomplish in computing. But still I am not so comfortable about using it. Did some computing of monthly expenses, but the exercise was short lived as it was just part of my New Year resolution.
Also Read: Bangalore Beat
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