Monday, 22 January 2018

A Note From Planet of The Apes

To my fellow apes,

Just got to know that some guy in India said Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution of man was “scientifically wrong” because nobody has seen an “ape turning into a man". This has led to lots of amusement among the humans of India, many are grinning like hyenas.

But for apes like us it offers a glimmer of hope. Finally we can get rid of these centuries old chains of so called association with humans. 

Ever since that long bearded bloke Darwin came to the scene we apes have been linked to hideous humans, the pompous termites working overtime to destroy the environment and hasten doomsday. They are never in harmony with nature. Never seen such confused and fun averse creatures!

His book ‘The Descent of Man’, published in 1871, claims that we and the humans have common ancestors. It is considered path breaking by the humans, but it actually led to our free fall. Ever since we have been smarting under the stigma of being associated with these wretched and born greedy creatures.

Initially there was opposition to the book and it enjoyed little credence among humans, thanks to the stranglehold of human centric obsession - religion. Then gradually all that outrage died out and the book almost became sacrosanct.

Every year these humans have been nibbling away the forest and disembowelling our mother earth to satiate their greed and the whole of animal and plant kingdom have been suffering.

These merciless marauders have taken away most of our habitats and we have been literally cornered and forced to make do with our shrunken habitats. Like ocean waves there seems to be no end to their greed and the threat posed by these malicious marauders keeps getting renewed from time to time.

Hence any claim disassociating us from these despicably evil two-legged monsters is welcome.

Also Read: Bangalore Beat